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Three ways to enter, seven ways to win!

From now until the end of November submit your cookie recipe or story and win great prizes from Kitchen Kneads, The Cupcake Tower, Off The Beaten Path, and more! Plus a deluxe gift basket packed with hot chocolate, cookies, Christmas books, cards, candles, and select gourmet candy!

How to enter:

1. Submit your favorite holiday cookie recipe. Make sure to include the full list of ingredients and instructions for making and baking.

2. Make it easy! Submit an idea for how to use already baked cookies. Do you have a special frosting, glaze, or topping to make them look festive? Like you've been baking all day but really haven't? Or do you have an idea for how to use store bought cookie dough? Do you make cookie pops or ornaments for the tree? How about cookies in a jar? Enter your ideas!

3. Submit a holiday story involving cookies. Tell me why cookies play a part in your seasonal celebrations or gift giving, why they're special to your family, or what recipes or traditions involving cookies are meaningful in your family. Maximum word length is 700 words.

Two winners will be selected in each category. A grand prize winner will selected from the entries in all three categories to receive the deluxe gift basket. Enter as many times as you like!